JDP offers a full range of test equipment for this purpose including the latest technology in super nylon. The inflatable and lever action test plugs in this section can be removed remotely without entering the manhole, the former can also be installed remotely - a great health and safety benefit.
Testing Bags
PVC Inflatable Testing Bags

* Sealing Bags also available
Canvas Inflatable Testing Bags

Pipe Stoppers
Inflatable Pipe Stopper
High Pressure Inflatable Pipe Stoppers

Maximum allowable back pressure 3.0bar (30mtr head water). Maximum inflation pressure 6.0bar. Applies for stoppers fully inserted into the pipe and mechanically braced against slippage.
Test Plugs
Steel Test Plugs

* Also available with lever action CAMSTOPPER® design
Aluminium Test Plugs

* Also available with lever action CAMSTOPPER® design
Multi-lock Steel Test Plugs

End of Pipe Testing/Sealing Plugs

Bypass Test Plugs
Camstopper Test Plugs - Nylon

The fast action lever modern design brings many benefits
Test Kits
Camstopper Remote Installation Device

Air Test Kits

Smoke Testers

All new drains and sewers laid in the UK must be subjected to an air pressure test in accordance with BS 8005. For sizes above 300mm in accordance to BS 8000 or BS EN 1610.
- Tests should be carried out before back filling or bedding on or surrounding in concrete. Tests should be made manhole to manhole. The tests should be carried out by inserting drain plugs at each end of the pipe and assembling the 'U' Air Kit as illustrated.
- Air is pumped in by hand bellows until the pressure of 100mm is indicated on the gauge. Provided the air pressure does not fall below 75mm in a 5 minute period, the drain is deemed to have passed the test.